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This post was written by Tee Akindele on July 26, 2010
Posted Under: Random

Poem: Anxious


The sky is cheerfully active,
The clouds gather in a reunion party,
They thicken in solidarity,
As their mirthful laughter echoes down to earth
With splendid bright flashes.
The wind also plays tricks on the trees
And every thing hanging
They all fold over or bend double in laughter
Making gay noises.

Even the little animals can sniff
The anticipated, in the air,
Scurrying into their tiny shelters:
‘At least, some cool and rest’, they say.

Only man, as usual, imagines the very worst
He observes all this, and conjectures only impending evil
He becomes anxious and so full of worries:
The meeting! His ruined date!
Malaria! The leaking roof!
The windows! The door!
He shuts himself in, loathing
An otherwise innocuous gesture of nature
That he has made to threaten his life’s normality.

© 2000, Poem by Tee Akindele

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