Poem: Love Garden
Did I once say that love was a frivolous thing;
An opium for the weak – their haven, an unreasonable ideal?
Yet now I want to eat, plant and grow fruit in it’s garden
- Than everything else, to niche myself in this fantastical idyll.
I had wondered how people, feverishly,
Made a garden out of overrated love,
When all I saw was a jungle -
Monkey jumping monkey; dog eating dog;
One primeval circus
Where marriage was of all, the oddest show.
I thought to play bad monkey, I thought to play fat dog;
But now, I must have caught the sickness too
Or something;
Because, like all of a sudden,
I see different.
I want different -
I want to eat, plant and grow fruit in my own garden.
And than everything else, to have a partner
With whom to be niched in this fantastical idyll.
Like an accident of faith that changed my life,
You are the angel that crossed my path;
Adherent, devout and contagious -
You make the garden feel so real and enchanted.
Till I can smell the flowers in your breath,
Bathe in the sunshine of your face
And pluck sweet fruits from your lips.
O! I want to follow and to love, to be your partner for life
Let us both be niched in this fantastical idyll!
©2011, Poetry by Tee Akindele
Reader Comments
Nice piece lol…
Thanks for reading Guys
Lovely piece of poetry.keep up the good work
you are gifted sir!
@Kate and Maggie, thanks for the visit, I’m glad you like the poem.
You make most of us believe in love again. Thanks Tee.
Hehehe! Now, that makes me very proud Tola.
Lol. I like this. Well done
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