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This post was written by Tee Akindele on October 5, 2010
Posted Under: Random

Poem: Monsters in the dark

Whenever the lights were put out
I suffered an insanity bout;
I was thrown in a claustrophobic frenzy
as if giant walls were collapsing all over me,
I shivered like a hen in the rain
as my nerves sent poisons to my brain,
then every draft of air stung like an asp
and could well have been hell’s very gasp.

Like a giant bubble my mind quickly
learnt how to swallow my little body;
I would melt like an egg’s yolk into fizzing jelly
as gliding in the pool of black, outside my mental belly,
I could see their devilish snarls
below their bloodied slit-ty eyes.
Yes indeed, as a kid I feared the darkness
much like everyone else I guess.

Year-in and year-out, my asylum expanded.
for every time, into it, I from the darkness bolted,
it swallowed some dark monsters along.
Imprisoning some of my worst scares before long.
Until, incubating in my gargantuan bubble,
summoning it’s chi from all I conceived to be wildly terrible,
was my very own personal demon.
Being my guardian angel would be it’s mission.

In time, my monstrous incubator burst open,
and hatched, was the fiercest mammoth imaginable;
having on your side the biggest monster of your nightmares
is exactly what it means to overcome your fears.
Pete had Elliot, the invisible magical dragon,
and we all must have had our subjective version.
Whenever my fears where of the sort terribly black,
he’d charge in a manner that the timid darkness couldn’t fight back.

©2010, Poem by Tee Akindele

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