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This post was written by Tee Akindele on July 22, 2010
Posted Under: Philosophy

Poem: Joy is not man made

Some have said that there is no God
That the whole world
Is an evolution of accidental science
Yet no inventions of our intense learning
Answers to the harrowing bottomless-ness
Of the human soul.

Have you ever looked
Into an infant’s toothless smile
And felt something resonate
In your heart with hers
Something in you
That could be forever young;
Our sacred souls
That bear no age.

Have you ever felt
The anti-climax of passion
After the moment when time
Feels like eternity – an eternity
That is never enough
Making you know
That this life is not all -
That there’s more.

We have lost trail of the life we were created to master
we are enslaved; our happiness warped
By the life that we invented.
How I so want to stand
On a tall mountain’s pinnacle,
Breathe in the awe of nature’s excellency
And lose all civic cares
To the primitive wind.

All the world’s beauty, variety and species;
Brilliant flowers with thousands of fragrances;
A world of wonder that could never
Have been by accident
And joy that is not man made,
Can only be the elaborate gift
Of a gracious Creator’s making.

You may think of a world without God:
Think of a world with neither love nor soul;
A world were everything’s
Colored a single shade of gray;
Or a world without our taste-buds;
Perhaps a world where we all were of the same sex;
Where there are neither mountains nor valleys
And everything is just a plane;
Then we’d surely be needing science
And technology to keep us happy,
But there will be no imagination to inspire it.
Indeed, such a world could evolve from a big cosmic blast
And yes… in such a world God will not exist.

©2010, Tee Akindele

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