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Please help me here chum
Do I call this my poetry album -
Or I could say - compendium?
H'm... is there such a word as “poemium”?
O please! don’t mind me sounding so dumb.

If you like call me a word bum
Or say “rhyme-tom”;
I love words in the right form
yet I define my own norm.

So you say where do I get that from?
Certainly not from mum
I mean she’s kind and warm
But words are not just her plum
While for me they are yum-yum.

Really in my head words just strum
With steady beats like from a tom-tom
- That’s a kind of drum.
And when I all these words sum
Ideas turn over like waves of a storm.
Now if you’ll come
Right here I have some.

Tee Akindele

Poem: Monsters in the dark

Whenever the lights were put out
I suffered an insanity bout;
I was thrown in a claustrophobic frenzy
as if giant walls were collapsing all over me,
I shivered like a hen in the rain
as my nerves sent poisons to my brain,
then every draft of air stung like an asp
and could well have been hell’s very gasp.
Read the full article here …

Poem: Foolishness is a big-bosomed Lady!

Beckoning, wooing; flagging her fancy
for who may fall victim; inviting
to all with promises of safety and pity.
The understanding mother
and the soothing mistress;
her cushion bosom is full
of consolations and illusions;
ignorant men find sick comfort
and empty content in her cradle.
Foolishness sure has her besotting ways! Read the full article here …

Poem: Tell it to the birds

Tell it to the birds, I am not listening
Tell it to the birds, for all I care
Tell it to the birds, I don’t believe it
Tell it to the birds, there’s no interest here! Read the full article here …

Poem: Dance for hope

You live in a complicated world,
And unlike your feelings,
You don’t own it or control it.
Life has it’s music – a wild orchestra
With happenstance seemingly falling in and out of line;
Sometimes, it’s checkered tune is insufferable
And the passing of time may seem a miserable monotony. Read the full article here …

Poem: The gospel truth

I’m the rugged and hard worn gospel truth;
The aged, weather beaten, sun-washed road sign Read the full article here …

Poem: My Beauty Queen

I don’t know what may happen if you entered for a beauty pageant
Gladly, it doesn’t matter here
[Placing my right hand across my chest and over my heart]
Here there’s only one crown, one judge and one contestant,
There’s no second possible outcome.
You are my uncontested beauty queen.
Read the full article here …

Poem: Turn on The Light

I could drag on like this or I may not
About how I’m living or dying – guessing or caring not
Thriving is a lesser problem – this is a different kind;
I’m not seeking to be special …
Whereas what is normal is so undefined
What is my existence? I’m blinded to ordained purpose…
Who am I?
Read the full article here …

Poem: Home-sick for Heaven

A pilgrim in an alien world
Constantly seeking intervention from my Lord
By nothing consoled in this raided place
Like the small picture of home that lingers before my face. Read the full article here …

Poem: Wedding Day

Life, God has made rich in wonders -
We haven’t seen them all.
Yet it’ll never give us enough satisfaction
If we only always look for more.
We often think that great blessings
Only lie in painful paths
So we despise the simple chance for love, joy and fulfillment
That God bestows in our laps.

It seems my beloved, you landed right in my lap Read the full article here …

Poem: Busybodies

Walking and walking
Talking and talking
Seeing and hearing -
What haven’t her eyes seen?
Or his ears heard?
Read the full article here …